Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lake Powell

The Drama that is Lake Powell.
Yes, this is as steep as it appears. I was totally freaking out because this was the way up and the way down. I kept saying to Jack how are you going to get down, and his response was I'll worry about it when it's time to come down. These are the Moki Steps.
Wake surfing was the new sport of choice. It's great for when the water is rough. James actually did get to looking a little more sure of himself.
No this is not Jarrett, it's his mini me Jonah. He really loved the wakeboard best.

So we are not a family with a ton of traditions, but Lake Powell I believe makes up for the low numbers. We have been going to Powell for 18 years, and for the kids it is a highlight of the summer. I must admit, the trip is much easier now that they are bigger than when I had to get all five of them, plus food, and everything else a family needs for a week ready to go. We had some noticible gaps with Jarrett and Justine not being there, but it was still a great time. No phones, NO TEXTING, no nothing. It's a great place to keep your family captive for a week and just enjoy one another. Of course it was great being with Del, Daneen, Damon & Dex, but we are planning a great week next year when all college kids, missionaries and hopefully their married kids and grandbabies join us. Daneen and I just don't know how to cook for 9 at Powell.


Justine said...

it looks like you guys had fun... i want to see more pics if possible. my toe hurts!! i went running on it, and i am not so sure i will have fun at tennis.

The Easton Family said...

among the gazillion memories that I have, some of the ones that stand out are: folding laundry up on your bed while watching TV (or trying to while James kept unplugging it); going to Rockies games with you at Mile High; driving me to/from Ricks and listening to Chicago on the way there; cleaning the house to Celine Dion blasting the radio; lots of good conversation at the counter in the Franktown kitchen...i'm so glad that Jef married you. Thanks for being such a good example to me and for teaching me so much. I value greatly the time spent and experiences gained from living with you!

Justine said...

just because i didn't have my nail ripped from the cuticle.... i wasn't trying to be like jack TRUST me!! oh well, there is nail, just way less than usual. i talked to jack the other night, the told me i was a whimp.

ShaRee said...

We missed you at church, but were glad you all could go and relax....I always love your comments in Relief Society!