It may have been the company, (thanks Jody & Julie) but we've decided that Kauai trumps just about everywhere else. We took a quick trip over to see our great friends and wished we had stayed another day. Jef seriously considered buying another ticket on Thursday morning and just saying goodbye to Oahu all together. This picture is at the best pizza place of all time Brick Oven. We snorkeled in Poipou, ate at Brenneckes and Kioki's and had long conversations. I miss my running/walking partner. We are always able to solve all the worlds problems.
10 years ago
Hi, I was at my blog and decided to click "next blog" at the top of the page and ran into your blog. I'm also LDS and was surprised to run into another LDS blogger so soon, and at random!
So it looks like your family went to Hawaii to take your daughter to school? What a fun thing for any family. And I'm sure that going to school there will provide her with so many wonderful opportunities.
You seem to have a great family. Come by my blog and see mine, if you'd like!
Looks like it was a fantastic trip, we hope to get there someday too! Sorry to hear about your purse! I can't imagine the airport experience---ugh.
I posted those things before 11 pm because the lounge was closing. It posts it on WA time. Jack would love it. Tell him not to be a girl, we are going when they come no matter what. Jarrett on the other hand may need to lose a few lbs. The weight limit is like 240 or something.
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